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Harwood Hill

Junior Mixed Infant and Nursery School

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Aims and Ethos

At Harwood Hill we strive to enable all our children, regardless of age, gender, ability, cultural background or religion, to develop into rounded, independent and responsible citizens who are life-long learners and can achieve their full potential.


We aim to achieve this by helping our children to:

  • Have a love to learning and try their best
  • Be confident in themselves
  • Have respect for themselves, others and the world we live in
  • Have a strong sense of family and community
  • Have equal access to all aspects of school life


The aims and purposes of our school are to:

  • Provide all our children with a safe and happy school in which learning is valued as an enjoyable experience and everyone is listened to and respected
  • Enable each child to achieve their full potential through a rich balanced and differentiated curriculum, which values life skills
  • Provide a stimulating and well-resourced environment so that high standards can be attained
  • Encourage children to feel part of the school, foster links with the local community and show concern for their environment
  • Work with children to develop an awareness of self, sensitivity and tolerance towards others, respecting and appreciating each other’s feelings, views and capabilities
  • Create an environment where children appreciate the satisfaction to be gained from hard work, persistence and personal achievement
  • Promote the continuing professional development of staff to enable them to effectively meet the needs of the children
  • Encourage children to extend their range of interests and natural enthusiasm, allowing them to develop as individuals, with confidence and self-esteem
  • Nurture strong partnerships and positive relationships with families based on trust and understanding
  • Help children develop the social skills required to establish positive relationships with other children and adults, in work and play situations, working co-operatively together
  • Ensure that all children have access to equal learning opportunities and, through example, are encouraged to form ideas that are no based on pre-judgement or stereotyping
  • Recognise and celebrate success


Aspire, Learn, Achieve
